Classify Learning Jumpstart Guide
Excited to get up and running with Classify Learning? That's awesome! Check out our help doc links below to get a feel for all of the cool things Classify Learning can do, or head to your dashboard to get started with Classify Learning right away!
Follow these 5 steps to maximize your experience!
For some of our users, you will be able to create a new class within your instance. This document will guide you through creating a class. After creation, you can easily invite your students to join your class using a class join code.
Want to build your own multiple-choice question or technology enhanced question to test your students? You got it! Just a few quick steps to get you up and running with your own questions inside of Classify Learning.
Building Your First Assessment
Did you already identify questions within the platform? Did you already create a number of questions to test your students? Go straight to building your first assessment using your own questions or our large pool of free questions.
Ready to start administering your assessment? Let the fun begin! Learn how to create a quick an access code for your students to jump right in and start testing! Learn all about the different configuration options that go into an administration.
Once your students have tested, check out our pre-built reports for immediate results. We have a decent number of pre-built reports. Not able to find a pre-built report that meets your needs? Learn how you can export all test data to analyze offline.