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Creating and Managing Advanced Rubrics

This help document will guide you through the process of creating an advanced rubric that can be applied to an item on an assessment.

From any page in the application, click on the dropdown arrow next o the Assessments tab. From the dropdown menu, select the Rubrics option.

On the next screen, you will see a list of rubrics that are available to you. (this list may be empty) On the left hand side are some filter options to narrow down the list of rubrics. But since we want to add a new rubric, click on the Create Rubric button in the top right part of the page.

The beginning steps of the rubric creation process are below:

  1. Name (required): create a descriptive name for the rubric so it is easy to find later.
  2. Access Level (require): This refers to who will be able to search for your rubric. Be careful when selecting an option other than private, which will expand the scope of users who can the rubric after it is published.
    1. Private: Only you will be able to search for and see the rubric
    2. District: Anyone in your district will be able to search for this rubric.
    3. Public: Anyone using Classify Learning will be able to search for this rubric.
  3. + Add a Criteria: click this button to add single or multiple scoring criteria to the advanced rubric.
  4. Once the rubric is finished, click on the Save button.

Adding Criteria to an Advanced Rubric

Below are the components to adding multiple criteria to an advanced rubric:

  1. + Add a Criteria: click this button to add a scoring piece of the overall rubric. For example, the rubric below includes the scoring for Quotations & Responses, Focus & Responses, and Connection to Literature. This means you would hit the + Add a Criteria button three times to create the three components of the rubric.
  2. Criteria: you can fill out the criteria name and criteria description which will be visible at the time of grading. This will give the grader an idea of how to score this criteria.
  3. + Add a Level: click this button to add a level to the current criteria. The new level will automatically be assigned a value of one greater than the maximum value of that criteria.
  4. Level: you can fill out the level value and the level description which will be visible at the time of grading. This will give the grader information on which each score value requires. Note: levels are order by their value; largest to smallest.
  5. Delete Criteria: if you no longer need a criteria, click this button to remove the entire criteria from the rubric.
  6. Delete Level: if you no longer need a level, click this button to remove the level from the criteria of the rubric.
  7. Drag Order: to switch the order of the criteria, click on the three dot drag handle and move the criteria to a new position.
  8. + Select Standards: you can open our standards search tools to select one or more standards to assign to this criteria.
  9. Once the rubric is finished, click on the Save button.

Once the advanced rubric has been saved, it will appear in the list of rubrics as unpublished. From here you can click on the cogwheel to view the details, edit, delete, or publish the rubric. This will allow the rubric to be used on a question within an assessment.

Please note that once the rubric is published, it cannot be edited. Also, a rubric will automatically be published once it is added to a question on an assessment that is then published.    

To learn how to add an advanced rubric to a question, read our help doc about Adding an Advanced Rubric to a Question.

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