Scanning Bubble Sheets for Grading

This page will talk about scanning in completed bubble sheets for grading.

Once a student has completed their bubble sheet test, it is now time to get it scanned into the system for grading. There are a couple of ways to get the bubble sheet scanned, but this document will cover the self guided route for scanning.

The first thing you will need to do is install the bubble scanning software on either a iOS smartphone or Android smartphone.

Download on the iOS App Store

Download on the Google Play App Store

Below is a list of guidelines to follow when scanning assessments:

  1. When scanning sheets through your device, it is highly recommended that device be connected through a WiFi connection. There is a lot of data sent to our server. So for optimal performance, we encourage users to be on a WiFi connection or have a very strong cellular connection.
  2. When scanning a bubble sheet, the entire black border of the page must be visible. If a test is multiple pages, it is recommended to remove the staple and scan the test pages.
    1. Another trick for multi-page packet assessments is to add more margin to the printed page. This will give you more room to stable the page together.
  3. If an assessment is multiple pages, ALL pages will need to be scanned before the scores are calculated. If a test is 3 pages, all 3 pages will need to be scanned for that student's test to be scored.

Once the app is installed on your smartphone, open the app and following the instructions for scanning sheets. You will not need to worry about placing students into the right assessment administration. All the data is encoded on the barcode and QR code on the answer sheet. 

If your bubble sheet is multiple pages, you do not need to scan the pages in order. The system is smart enough to handle all of that for you.

NOTE: Classify Learning has a bulk scanning option. However, this option requires additional setup. Please contact to get help with setting up the bulk scanning option.

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