Live Proctoring Online Assessments

This article will guide you through the process of live proctoring an online assessment in Classify Learning. Live Proctoring is used to monitor live student progress throughout an online assessment.  It can also be used as a powerful formative tool to engage students in assessments for learning.  

To access the Live Proctoring Dashboard to monitor live student results, start from within an assessment that has an administration created. From the landing page, click the View Assessments tile.

Once you get to the main assessment page, you will be presented with a list of assessments you are able to use. Go through the following steps to get to an assessment's details:

  1. Use the filter options on the left hand side of the page.
  2. Click on the Search button to filer down the assessment results.
  3. Identify your assessment, and click on the assessment title.

Once you click on the assessment title, you will be presented with a number of titles that represent different sections you have access to within an assessment. To access the assessment administrations, click on the Administrations tile.

When viewing the list of administrations for an assessment, click on the number of students who are rostered for that administration. Clicking on the number of students will take you to the live proctoring view for that administration.

The Live Proctoring dashboard shows student responses live as they are progressing through the test.  Students who access the assessment will automatically be added to the dashboard.  

Live Proctoring Tools and How to Use Them

Reviewing the Live Proctoring Dashboard

  1. Pie Chart (top left): This shows the status breakdown of all the students rostered for this administration:
    1. Grey: Student has not started the assessment.
    2. Blue: Student has started the assessment.
    3. Yellow: Student has paused the assessment.
    4. Green: Student has finished the assessment.
  2. Bar Chart (top center/right):  This shows the question by question breakdown of the student responses and the correctness of those responses:
    1. Red: Student has received zero credit for the question.
    2. Yellow: Student has received partial credit for the question.
    3. Green: Student has received full credit for the question.
    4. Blue: Student has a manual response that needs to be graded.
    5. Orange Line: Calculates the average time in seconds students have spent on a question.
    6. Tooltip: Hover over an individual bar to see the stats for a specific question.
  3. Bar Chart Toggle: Toggle the visibility of the pie chart and the question-by-question break down chart.
  4. Student List: Defaults to a alphabetical list order. The color of the icon and bar below the student's name represents the following statuses:
    1. Blue (play): Student has started the assessment.
    2. Yellow (pause): Student has paused the assessment.
    3. Green (check): Student has finished the assessment.
  5. Question Column: The percentage in the header of the column shows the number of students who have answered the question correctly. The tiles below could have different background colors depending on the student response:
    1. Red: Student has received zero credit for the question.
    2. Yellow: Student has received partial credit for the question.
    3. Green: Student has received full credit for the question.
    4. Blue: Student has a manual response that needs to be graded.
  6. Help Request: Any student help request during an assessment will appear here. The indicator will tell you how many help requests have not been acknowledged yet.
  7. Pause Assessment: This feature will pause all students in the test administration.  Students will no longer be able to view the current question they are on or navigate to another question.  Disabling the pause feature will allow students to resume the test.
  8. Pacing Mode: This feature will allow the teachers to select a specific question and move all students to that question within the test.  This means the teacher is pacing the students through the test and students will not be able to move within questions on their own.  This feature is often used during a formative assessment where a teacher may want students to have a discussion around a particular item.  Also, this feature is used by teachers of younger students who may need help moving from item to item in a timely manner.
  9. Access Code: Show student the access code right from this view. You can either share your screen and show the larger access code pop-up, or you can copy and paste the access code/confirm URL.
  10. Action Menu: Use this menu to access a number of additional features for the live proctoring view. There are additional details below about the extra features.

Answer Hide Mode:  This mode allows a teacher to display the live proctoring dashboard to students on a projector screen during a formative assessment without not revealing the correct answer to all students.  Students will only be able to see if they got the answer correct or incorrect, but not see the correct answer.

Answer Reveal Mode:  This mode allows students to "lock in their answers" so the teacher can reveal whether the students were correct or incorrect. With this mode enabled, a gray checkmark will appear when the student submits their answers. When a teacher is ready to reveal the answers and scores, there is a Reveal Answers button in the bottom right of the view. (Note, you may need to close the additional features menu.)

Pacing Mode:  As described above, this mode allows teachers to "pace" students through the test by selecting a particular question they would like all students to be viewing. To enable the feature, click on the lock button in the header or click Toggle Pacing Mode within the Proctoring Tools menu. Then navigate to the question list and select the specific question to place all students on within the test.

Students Tab:  Allows the teacher to see all of a student's responses for the assessment. FurtherClick on the Students tab and then select the cogwheel next to an individual student. This menu allows the teacher to perform a number of actions on a student administration record:

  • View Profile will take you to the students full profile to view additional details about the student.
  • Mass Score will allow a teacher to mass score questions for a student.
  • Manage Tools will allow a teacher to change accommodations for a student.
  • Finish will close the attempt for the student and process the score.
  • Pause will stop the attempt until the teacher resumes the attempt.
  • Resume will unpause an attempt for a student who is paused.
  • Reopen will allow a student to enter back into an attempt with or without previous responses.
  • Parent Letter will allow a teacher to print a parent letter for a student.

Questions Tab:  Allows the teacher to see the student responses on each individual question. For each question there is an action menu available to teacher with the following options:

  • View Details allows the teacher to pull up and view the actual itembank question. 
  • Mass Scoring allows the teacher to mass score the question for all students.  This is often used on constructed response questions where a teacher wants to give all students credit for an item. 
  • Answer distribution allows a teacher to see the distribution of student responses for the specific question, such as the percentage of students who choose the answer A.  

Details Tab:  Allows the teacher to see the start time, stop time, and current status of the student within the assessment. There is also an options to view a student's IP address from this view. All IPs should be the same or very close to the same value. If there is an IP address that doesn't line up, this could indicate a student taking a test off-site. (this is more of an admin type of feature.

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