Sharing ItemBank Assessments

In Classify Learning, you can create an assessment and share it with another user via a share URL link that will take the user directly to the assessment shared with them.  You can also decide what the other user can do with your assessment once accessed. To share an assessment to another user, start from within the assessment you'd like to share and click on the Sharing tile. 

Once you are on the sharing page, you will be presented with two options. You can either managing sharing links or manage individual sharing users. We are going to start with managing sharing links. Click on the Create Sharing Link button on the top right. 

A pop-up will allow you to select what the user will be able to do with the assessment you share with them using that specific link.  We are going to discuss all possible options that are available to a user. However, your options may vary depending on the settings for your instance:

  1. Can View: users who have this permission will be able to view an assessment in their assessment list and view questions that are attached to an assessment. This is a very basic access permission for most users but is usually accompanied by other permissions.
  2. Can Administer: users who have this permission will be able to administer an assessment. This will give the user permission to create access codes for students to join and assessment and take an assessment. 
  3. Can Report: users who have this permission will be able to view the results data of an assessment. Their could be a secondary option to give a user access to all data collected for this assessment. The secondary options is an advanced feature and requires additional set up to enable.
  4. Can Edit: users who have this permission will be able to edit details for an assessment or modify questions for an assessment. This will have no affect on assessments that have been imported from an external itembank.
  5. Can Share: users who have this permission will be able to share this assessment with other users and give them the ability share out permissions for an assessment. Users will be able to create share links or share users.
  6. Can Proctor: users who have this permission will be able to proctor an assessment and access the live proctoring dashboard. By default users will only see anonymous student data while proctoring. However, their could be a secondary option to give a user access to view a student's full name.
  7. Can Grade: users who have this permission will be able to grade an assessment and access the live proctoring dashboard. By default users will only see anonymous student data while grading. However, there could be a secondary option to give a user access to view a student's full name.
  8. Once the permissions have been set correction, click the Save button.

Once an assessment share like is created, click the newly provided share link to copy it. You can send the link to another user any way you'd like - email, text, etc. Once a user clicks on the share link and logs into the application, they will have access to the assessment with the permissions you defined. Users who click on the link will appears in the Sharing Users table. You can edit/modify an sharing user from that list to modify their permission set. You can also remove a sharing user as well.

Note:  The link you just created will have the permissions you selected and are noted in the table next to the link.  If you wish to send the same assessment to a different user with a different set of permissions (i.e. you want another user to only have Can View rights), you will need to create a second share link by following the same steps and share.  

The other type of sharing is share by user. If you want to share an assessment to a specific users or predefined group of users, click on the Create Sharing User button just above the sharing users table.

Once the sharing user pop-up is visible, you will see the same exact permissions options that were available when creating a sharing link. However, there will be 2 options when selecting a user or users to share with:

  1. Share by User: with this options, you will be able to search for one or more users to select for this set of sharing permissions.
  2. Share by Group: with this option, you will be able to search of a user group to select for this set of sharing permissions.

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