Whitelist Requirements for Locked Down Environments
This page will talk about domains that need to be whitelisted.
Some student environments need to be locked down to very specific pieces of content. Classify Learning requires that following domains be whitelisted in order for the platform to work properly:
- *.classifylearning.com (main application for users to access)
- *.learnosity.com (how we render assessments and questions)
- *.pubnub.com (how we send push notification to users)
- *.texthelp.com (how users access text to speech)
- *.google.com (provided debug information about the users experience)
- *.sentry.io (provided debug information about the users experience)
- *.fullstory.com (provided debug information about the users experience)
- *.paperscorer.com (provide the ability to scan bubble sheets from smart phones)
While the optional ones are not required, it is HIGHLY recommended you add those to your whitelist config. If you or your users run into an issue, the information collected will help us solve the issue quicker. Once all of these domains are whitelisted, a locked down environment will be able to render and use Classify Learning with no issues. If you have any questions about the domains listed above, please reach out to our support team by sending an email to support@classifylearning.com.